Corporate prayer is vital to the life of every church and so we have a regular prayer meeting once a month in Derby. The dates for these are published on the calendar page and they are also listed on our events page. LifeGroups do not generally meet on a prayer meeting week.
We are excited to be gathering in early 2025 for a week of prayer and fasting. It has become our pattern over the years to have a week of focussed prayer at the beginning of each year. We want to see God moving amongst us in a more powerful way and so do join us as we gather to pray. We'll be praying for God to build His church, for us to see people saved and added - in both Derby & Burton. We will also be praying for the neighbourhoods around us, for our nation and the nations. Come expectant that as we call on God, He will speak to us and equip us for His mission, through His church.
We're planning a variety of opportunities for us to gather together to pray. Some of our meetings will be on Zoom and others will be in-person. Please contact the church office or your LifeGroup leader for the Zoom log in details.
To can download a copy of the running order click here.
To download a copy of our advice on how to fast should you wish to do that click here.
We've prepared the following list of suggested prayer items, it's not exhaustive, but will give us some areas to seek God for in the year ahead. To download a copy click here.
Our morning prayer gathering called AMP grew out of our week of prayer and fasting in January 2023 and has carried on as we have hungered for more of God together. This group meets on Zoom on Wednesday mornings at 6.30am.
To find out more click here.
Once a month we gather together for an evening of worship & prayer. These evenings usually start with a time of worship and encounter. We'll then go on to pray about various aspects of church life. We alternate our these gatherings between Oakwood and Mickleover. These will be on a Tuesday in Oakwood and a Wednesday in Mickleover.
Dates for 2025:
Oakwood Venue
The Church On Oakwood, 378 Bishops Dr, Oakwood, Derby DE21 2DF | map
Mickleover Venue
All Saints Church Centre, All Saints Church, Etwall Road, Mickleover, Derby, DE3 0DL | map
We hope that this opportunity will make our Encounter Nights more accessible to a wider variety of people and will still serve the whole church.
To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing" - Martin Luther
As a church back in 2020 we completed the '40 Days of Prayer' teaching series. We looked at the subject of prayer both in our Sunday gatherings and in our small groups. To find out more click here.
For more information about any of our prayer meetings please contact the church office.
01332 322655
The power of prayer has never been tried to its full capacity.
Nothing tends more to cement the hearts of Christians than praying together. Never do they love one another so well as when they witness the outpouring of each other’s hearts in prayer.
Prayer is stressed over and over again in the New Testament as a vital pre-requisite for the release and experience of God’s power.
If you would like to request prayer or would like our AMP prayer group to pray for you, please get in touch by emailing:
Request Prayer
Prayer lays hold of God’s plan & links his will & its accomplishment on earth.
You can do more than pray after you have prayed; but not until you have prayed.
Prayer can never be in excess.
Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.
Learning to pray doesn’t offer us a less busy life; it offers us a less busy heart.