Vision & Values

Our vision is to be a vibrant community shaped by the Spirit, equipped by the Word and sent to the nations.

We want to build a large vibrant City Church that gathers centrally on a Sunday and has small groups meeting in and impacting local communities right across City. We want to see many people come to faith in Jesus and growing in their relationship with Him. We also want to play our part in reaching our nation and the nations for Christ.

Increasingly we are also building a base, which is able to serve other churches both locally in our region and across the nations. We'd love you to join us on this adventure!

We aim to do this by focussing on five priorities:

Loving God

Loving God is central to everything we do in Jubilee. We worship a great God and want to give Him the best of our time and energy.

Loving one another

Jubilee is a community of people who love one another. Being church is about relationships and building life-giving communities.

Loving those who don't know Jesus yet

Jesus’ final command was to “go and make disciples” and so we prioritise reaching others with the good news of Jesus Christ.

Serving the city

We believe that as Christians, we should have a positive effect on our City. We want to love and serve the City in order to demonstrate God’s love in a practical way.

Reaching nations

As part of a worldwide family together on a mission, we have a vision to reach the nations for Christ and we are committed to helping each other find our place in that. It also means we want to be a church embracing many nationalities.

There is nothing like the local church when it is working right. Its beauty is indescribable. It’s power breathtaking. It’s potential is unlimited.

Bill Hybels

The local church is the hope of the world.

Bill Hybels

When Jesus said 'I will build my church', the sort of church he planned was like the one we see in the New Testament: not statues & steeples, but people and power. The church in the New Testament is Christians loving and serving one another; praising God & praying together; prophesying and speaking in tongues, healing the sick (serving their communities) and bringing hundreds to Christ. That's the sort of church Jesus wants today.

Terry Virgo

There is a desperate need to recover biblical Christianity and reproduce it through vibrant churches scattered all around the world...My appeal, therefore, is that rather than give up on the church and anticipate her demise, we give our best energies to her success, knowing that Christ is determined to have a glorious bride, worthy of his own majesty and might.

Terry Virgo

What we need to grasp clearly is a vision of the church as God has revealed it to us in the scriptures. If we then act upon that vision, with patient and persistent prayer and with plenty of hard work, we - and others - will see the reality and glory of God once again in our midst.

David Watson

God’s church is not a social club. It’s not a building, and it’s not an option. The church is life & death. The church is God’s strategy for reaching the world. What we do inside church matters.

Francis Chan
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