Jubilee News
Jubilee Plus News

Talks from Churches that Change Communities 2015
Keynote talks by Martin Charlesworth and Chris Mould from the Churches that Change Communities 2015 conference are now online. Seminar talks will be added over the next few weeks and the first one on mobilising, managing and motivating volunteers is already posted. Please visit the Jubilee+ website regularly.

Mental Health Access Pack
One in four people experience a mental health problem at some point in their lifetime. This is as true for those in the church as anyone else. It can be hard to know how best to support those with mental health issues. Livability and Mind and Soul have teamed up to provide a great resource to help the Church. You can read more here or visit:

Jubilee+ Annual Review
Each year Jubilee Plus publishes an update of their activities. These reports are informative and are there to encourage us about all that the Church across the UK is involved with. From feeding people in need to helping victims of human trafficking, the Church is once again at the forefront of supporting and empowering the most marginalised and vulnerable in our communities. Central Government and local decision-makers are increasingly recognising that the Church has a unique and pivotal role to play in society, not least of all because of the huge social capital at our disposal. To read this years report click here.