David Ash
Lectio 365 - Devotional

Over recent years I've enjoyed using the Alpha Bible In One Year app with Nicky & Pippa Gumbel, if you haven't found it I'd highly recommend it!
I've found the content there so encouraging and it has enabled me to read through the Bible twice now in recent years.

However more recently I've been praying and considering how I can develop a more structured devotional / prayer time and wanted to try something new!

A number of people recommended Lectio 365 in the past and I've dipped into it but it's never really stuck. However since early in 2025 I've been regularly spending time in prayer using the app.

It's a daily devotional resource from the 24-7 prayer movement. It explores the themes of loving God through prayer & creativity, loving others through justice & hospitality and loving the world through learning and mission.

The app is really simple, you can either read or listen to the devotional content and allow it to shape a structured but personal prayer time. The content enables you to consider the scriptures and ask God to speak through them. Jesus' early followers were in the habit of pausing three times a day to pray and this ancient rhytmn is very simply included, helping you to create space for peace in a busy and complicated world.

I'd love you to try the app and let me know how you get on! You can find out more and download this free app here: https://jubd.uk/wogQep