As we continue thinking about the themes of Advent the following spoken word explores the themes of hope and peace that are so evident in Carols and ponders how we can know these truths even today.
The Great Divine Adventure
Peace and good will, these carols sweetly sing,
Yet to the shadows of doubt my spirit clings.
"Where is this peace, this hope?" my soul cries out,
Fear gnaws within, with darkness all about.
A dead Messiah, worse, a twisted soul,
These thoughts invade, as carols start to toll.
Conflicts rage, and hatred seems to spread,
As hope fades, and joy has fled.
Yet these songs, a different tune may play,
A call to jaded hearts, lost in dismay.
"Come, all you weary, burdened, and forlorn,
Draw near the manger, where hope is born."
Like Mary and Joseph, with loves pure light,
Or wise men seeking, on a starry night,
Or humble shepherds, with simple, glad hearts,
We're called to journey, where joy imparts.
Come, to the cribside, where history's reborn,
A chance to leave behind the world's harsh scorn.
A journey of birth, and life anew,
A Saviour's love, steadfast strong and true.
Come, to the King, who will forever reign,
A ruler engaged, not distant or full of disdain,
He knows our pain, our sorrows, and our strife,
A sovereign who understands, and offers life.
He welcomes all, the great and lowly, too,
Despised, rejected, just like me and you.
This child born in a lowly place, this refugee,
A beacon of hope, of grace and humility.
So come, and join the throng, gathered near,
The Saviour's love, dispelling doubt and fear.
All are welcome here, none are turned away,
Find rest and peace, a brighter day.
Marvel at this story, so old, yet always new,
A mother's love, a father faithful and true.
The pivot point of history, hope divine,
Another chance to start afresh, a chance to shine.
Life's a journey, an adventure to be explored,
These carols call us, to seek the Lord.
They beckon us to the heart of it all,
To this baby saviour surrender all.
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