Sarah Pyman
My Help Comes From The Lord

On Sunday Sarah shared an interpretation of a spiritual tongue which Naomi brought during our meeting.

Sarah prays:
Where does my help come from? Where does my help come from?

God, it comes from you, my help comes from you. My help comes from the living God, the God who heals, the God who brings peace, the God who is so merciful and gracious.

Where does my help come from? I lift my eyes to you, Oh God, I lift my heart to you and as I do that, I know you will fill me afresh with your love. I know that as I give you my heart, as I give you my innermost thoughts, as I lay everything down before you, you will help me!

I know your rod and your staff will comfort me and even though I might walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you will be with me forever and ever. You will not leave me Lord. You will not leave us!

Where does my help come from? My help comes from God, the God that is the maker of heaven and earth. The God that will never, ever leave us, will never let you down. His love is so full on, His love will surround you for ever and ever.

Lord, I love you, Lord, we lift our hands to you. Lord, thank you that our help comes from you, and you alone. Thank you, Jesus, we love you, Lord. We love you Lord, thank you Jesus, my help comes from you!

You can watch Sarah share this prophetic word here: