Paul Edginton
The Holy Spirit is our guarantee

“In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory.” Ephesians 1:13-14

We’re worshipping Him this morning and God has been speaking to me through this scripture. May be there are one or two of you here who have even wondered whether you are saved this morning. May be also there’s a couple of people here who think, well I prayed a prayer, and I did believe but I’m not so certain of my salvation. This scripture declares to us, that when we came to Jesus, when we received the gospel, the Holy Spirit came in and sealed us with Him, for eternity. Nothing can break the seal of the Spirit of the Living God in us.

For those of us who haven’t, then it’s a decision away, a faith step away from being born again and receiving that seal.

For those of us who might be here this morning doubting, about this amazing, glorious God, how could he really love me? I’ve walked with Him here and there, but does He really love me?

We’ve been declaring the truth this morning that He so truly loves you, that He was willing to go to the cross to be crucified for our sin, to lay down His life for you and for me. This seal of the Holy Spirit seals that work forever.

I love our God because He’s so faithful, and He never backs off, He never separates Himself from us. We might walk away a little bit but He’s forever faithful, nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus and He’s sealed that work through the Holy Spirit, conforming Himself this morning, saying “I will never leave you, nor forsake you”. We are beloved forever, sealed forever, that’s what scripture is talking about, you are now His possession. Declare it in your heart, if that’s you this morning, I want you to declare it in your heart. I know what you’re telling me, and I receive you in a fresh way because the Holy Spirit loves to come afresh upon us and He’s here this morning ready to come afresh on you, to reveal himself at a deeper level. So hold that in your heart for a moment while the musicians are playing; you can pray “I want more of you Lord Jesus, and it doesn’t matter where you are, we always want more of Him and He’s always willing to give us more and delights to give more, so wherever you are this morning ask it of Him.

Watch Paul share this scripture and apply it to our lives here: