David Ash
Lift Your Eyes

Lift your eyes, do you see the King? Have you seen His glory? Have you seen His magnificence? Have you really seen Him?

If life is hard, if you feel like you’re at that dead end which Naomi mentioned during her preach (see here). God wants you to be aware of who He is. God wants you to be aware of what He has done.

If you are in that sort of season, you need a revelation of who God is! Remember Job? He went through a horrible, horrible situation, everything that could go wrong went wrong. His whole world falls apart and in the midst of this situation God came to Him and asked Him some questions by way of reminding Job who He (God) is.

God asked questions like “where were you when I laid the earth’s foundations, do you understand? Have you measured it out? Who laid the cornerstone? Who shut the seas behind its doors? Naomi has said it all this morning, so I don’t need to ask the rest of the questions because she’s already covered it.

So, if you are questioning God, (which by the way is a valid prayer, to pray – see Gideon), if you are saying “Why is it like this? Why is my life like this? Why is this situation happening to me?” Then you need to see God! You need a greater understanding, a greater revelation of who God is! God wants to reveal Himself to you today! He wants to remind you in the days ahead who He is and for you to know that you can draw close.

God drew close to Job and asked Him questions, Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us. We’re not talking about God somewhere else that I pray to, and I don’t know if I’ll get an answer, it’s Jesus, in the room, in the mess, in the midst of it, making a way where there wasn’t a way before.

That’s who you need to see, that’s who we all need to see, even if we’re not struggling through at the moment. That’s who we need to see, that’s who Naomi was encouraging us to see this morning.

Do you know what, in response to those questions Job says this after God questions Him: “my ears had heard of you, but now my eyes have seen you”. God wants you to trust Him, to trust in His wisdom and His character, through the storms of life and to do that you don’t just need to hear about Him, but you need to see Him as He is!

Tim continues...
So, as we worship, I believe the Holy Spirit is actually going to start revealing a more expansive view of who the Father is, who God is, how big He is. In our worship, we’re going to be expressing that “Ohhhhh!” because He is not far off, the Bible says “Christ in us, the hope of glory” let’s worship Him!

Watch this prophetic encouragement here: