Jubilee News
Saying Goodbye Service - Derby Cathedral

Saying Goodby Service - Derby Cathedral on Saturday, 10th October at 3.00pm
Saying Goodbye services take place throughout the UK. 

The services are free to attend and are open to anyone of any faith or no faith. They have been strategically located, to make them accessible to as many people as possible.

They are held in Cathedrals and Minsters and so follow an Anglican format, but also include secular music, poetry and other elements.

Who can attend the services?
The services are for women and men who have suffered loss, their children and their extended family and friends, whether the loss be recent or historic.

It should also be noted that all are welcome regardless of the type of loss they have experienced, so whether they have been through early or late miscarriage,  missed miscarriage, an ectopic or molar pregnancy, still birth, early infant loss or any other type of baby or child loss.

If you need to say goodbye to a baby or to grief, or you want to come along with a friend who needs to say goodbye, you are welcome at any of the services.

Why should I attend the services?
Loss at any stage is traumatic. Early loss is often not acknowledged or discussed, with commemorative services seldom taking place, whilst services for babies who are stillborn or lost in early years, are usually conducted while parents are in a fog of grief and pain.

The services will give you the opportunity to stand with other people ‘who know’ the pain of losing a child.

Come and rejoice in your baby’s life, grieve, remember and formally Say Goodbye.

Find out more about the Services…

Derby Cathedral on Saturday, 10th October at 3.00pm