Naomi Green
God's Presence

I heard a wonderful message a couple of weeks ago about treasuring the presence of God. We want to be the people that says, “without your presence, we don’t want to go, until we know your presence here."

We love your presence O God. What a privilege to stand before your throne, declared spotless, clean, and free. God it would be so easy to be here this morning and not engage, to not fix our eyes on you, wonderful saviour. It would be easy to go, not having done that. Can I encourage you; God’s presence is here. Whatever you are struggling with, bring it to Him, the King of Glory and of grace. God, we ask for your presence and you are here.

God, we want to treasure it now, we want to grab hold of it, we want to pursue you. Without you we don’t want to go, without your presence, we’re not going anywhere. That’s how I want my heart to be God, I love your presence God. Behold Him, behold Him, be in awe of Him, kneel before His throne. God you are everything, you are all things, there is none like you.

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