Jubilee News
Desert Island Delights - 2024

Imagine with me for a moment that you are out on a sailing boat, on your own, in the most fantastic location. It’s a glorious day, the sun is beating down, there’s blue sky all around. You’re simply enjoying being on your own, it’s peaceful and quiet.

You are slowly sailing between different islands, when suddenly, unexpectedly, the weather turns and there’s a storm! There’s rain, thunder and lightening, the waves are choppy and the boat begins to break up and you find yourself shipwrecked and marooned on a desert island. You don’t get a chance to save much from the boat. You can’t even grab your Bible which you’ve been reading, you are only able to tear out one page before the boat sinks completely.

I wonder what page might you tear out? What passage of scripture would be the one that you save, if you had the chance? Our summer preaching series this year is called Desert Island Delights and we’re asking that very question. If you could save just one page from your Bible, what would it be and why? We’ve got a variety of speakers over the summer and they’re going to be sharing what their favourite passages are, why they’re important to them, what we can learn from those passages and why they should be important to us as well!

So I do hope you can join us across the summer Sundays at QUAD in Derby for our summer preaching series - Desert Island Delights…

Watch the series here:

Listen to the full series here: