Prayer & Family Meeting - 4th June 2024
On Tuesday 4th June we're hosting a family meeting at The Church On Oakwood. If you are a member of Jubilee Church, or you've completed our membership course, we'd love you to join us as we share some updates and spend time praying together. For full details click here.
Romans Series - Catch up...
We hope you are finding the current series on Romans both challenging and encouraging. We've recently spent a few weeks looking at the subject of Grace and then we moved on to looking at what it means to be "In Christ". To find out more & catch up click here.
LoveDerby Sunday - 9th June
Demonstrating God's Love in Practical Ways
Our next LoveDerby Sunday is taking place on Sunday 9th June 2024, rather than gathering in a central location we'll be out serving our communities through various projects. Projects this time: Litter Pick & Pray, Smile and Gardening. To find out more visit:
Have you been baptised?
We are planning some Baptisms this term and would love to hear from you if you have not been Baptised or would like to find out more about what Baptism means. Baptism in water is something which follows belief in Jesus Christ and was in fact something which Jesus commanded those who followed him to do. If you would like to find out more please click here or speak to Naomi on a Sunday.
Devoted 2025
Save the dates - 22-25 August 2025
Devoted is a ChristCentral festival for all ages and it's back! It's a weekend all about Being Friends & Enjoying God together. It will be a time of us being shaped and transformed for God's purposes together as a church and as family of churches. The new booking system will go live in the next month or so. For now please save the dates 22-25 August 2025. To find out more click here.
Next Generation Prayer
6th June & 11th July at 9.30am on Zoom
Do you want to join in praying for younger generations? Do you want to see young people, students & 20s responding to the gospel, being saved and added to the church? Will you join us in praying for another generation of pioneers who will go to the nation and the nations? To find out more click here.
Praying In Response To Tragedy
How can we pray during hard times?
When we face tragedy or we see others going through tragic events, it can be so easy to fall into despair. Prayer isn't slightly better than doing nothing, it shows resolve, provides comfort and produces hope even in the midst of deep despair. It can also galvanise us into focussed action to support others, or bring about change. If you find it hard to pray in difficult times click here to read more.
Comfort One Another
Gill Henson encouraged us to be a church community which comforted one another. As we do that, the world, this city around us will see a loving, wonderful church that comforts one another and that as people see this they will hear the message of the Gospel. Watch & Read here.
Trust In God's Grace
Receive the truth of God's Grace
Paul reminded us that we need to trust in God's grace. He spoke about the fact that if we are In Christ, if we have trusted in Jesus, then God has done everything necessary for us to know His grace and love in our lives; we simply need to receive this truth. Watch & read here
The Love of God
A couple of weeks ago we had a number of prophetic words / songs which were encouraging us to receive and re-discover God's love for us. We hope you find these words encouraging. You can watch & read them here.
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