Jubilee News
Come Like A Child

I’ve just been watching the beautiful, beautiful babies that are fast asleep over there. They’re completely, you know, completely given over to sleep and to the warmth and love of the arms that are holding them. I just felt like some of us haven’t actually experienced how to completely let go. You know we talk about, you know about how God loves us and focus on God and all these sorts of things. But how? How do you practically do that?

It think it comes back to this. It comes back to coming to God like a child. You know if there’s one kind of thing that has helped me to do that when there’s chaos all around me and I’m focusing on 100x things, it’s sometimes just to take one phrase or one verse or something small and just actually repeat it. So, for me, at the moment, my phrase is “God’s plan is bigger than mine” and when the chaos and the confusion and everything comes, I just say “God, your plan is bigger than mine”. So let me just encourage you as you go out this week, if you’re not sure how to, how to focus on God amongst everything else that is going on in your life. Then find one verse, find something that you can just say and just be in that moment, be with God. Let His Holy Spirit wash over you, as you go out into the week, and take it from there, one small thing, that small mustard seed can grow.

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