The Lord, is here right now, His spirit is here right now and He wants to remind you that He delights over you with singing, with singing! He wants to remind you of who you are, of who you are, and you are a child of the King! Yes you are a child of the King and He loves you, yes He loves you, yes He loves you, with a love that’s everlasting.
The Lord says, “do you really know me today?” “Do you really know my love, the love that I have for you? It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, it doesn’t matter who you are, the Lord says He loves you, He loves you and He delights over you with singing. He’s so proud of you, He’s so proud of you, He loves you, so reach out to Him right now, lift your hands to him, lift your heart to him.
There’s nothing that you can do, that He won’t love you anymore, no His love for you is steadfast, His love for you is true, His love for you is amazing and He wants you to know that again today.
He delights over you with singing, over you with singing and He says you are a child of the king. So believe that today, believe that today and don’t let the enemy lie to you anymore! No, no more lies, no more lies from the enemy today! Because, you, you are the child of the king, you are a child of the king, so receive that now, receive that now my people says the Lord. You are my children, you are mine, you are mine and I love you. You are mine and I love you and I want you for myself today. So follow me again today, let everything down at my feet, lay them down at my feet, and follow me. As you do that, as you trust in him, you will know a fullness of His joy, you’ll know a love that is amazing.
So come back to me now, come back to your God, for he is a jealous God, he wants you back, He needs you back. You are a child of the King, He loves you, He wants you so come back to Him again. He’s here right now and he wants to bless you today, He wants to fill you today, He wants to say to you today, I love you, I love you. I love you says the Lord, I love you, I love you, I love you says the Lord. Come Holy Spirit, come Holy Spirit.
I just feel like if you want a fresh touch of Him today, raise your hands, right now, God is here, Jesus is here, the Holy Spirit is here and he wants to come in power and He wants to flood this room with His river of love, with His grace, with His Joy.
Maybe some of you haven’t laughed in a long time, maybe you’ve forgotten what it is to know His everlasting love. God says I’m here now, don’t miss this moment!
I’m going to pray, just reach your hands to him.
Jesus, we say that we love you. Jesus, we thank you that you call us children of God. Thank you that your love cannot be taken away by anything. Lord, we pray right now for all those that just need a fresh touch of you. God, would you come! God, would you come in power right now God. God, would you come and breathe life, breathe life into this place again Lord, breathe life into us again, Lord Jesus. Fill us with your grace, fill us with your love. Let us be a people that are full of Jesus. Lord, let us shine with you, Lord God, wherever we go. Lord, whether we’re at school or work or wherever we go, Lord, let us be a light for you Lord Jesus. God help us, God, bring us back to you today we pray. Fill us now, Lord Jesus, fill us, Holy Spirit come, come Lord, come Lord Jesus, come Lord Jesus. Touch us Lord, touch us afresh Lord God, we need you again, come Holy Spirit, come Holy Spirit, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus.
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