It was five years ago, in 2010, that the vision for Healing on the Streets in Derby took shape and teams began to share the amazing grace and love of God with people at the Spot. Over those five years many people have had a touch from the Lord, whether in physical healing or an experience of his peace, or simply in appreciating that God’s people care and take time to listen and pray.
The HOTS team would like to encourage churches in Derby to re-catch the vision for this work. The numbers of the team have diminisehd for a variety of reasons and in the early part of 2015 they were only able to put team out on about half the Saturdays from March to July. This means there were many weeks where opportunities to pray for people in our communities were missed.
If you've never heard of HOTS before or would like to find out more please do get in touch with the team. They are planning a Training Course at the beginning of 2016 ready for new teams to go out in March after the winter break.
Anyone who is interested can contact: Viv Merkelt at DCM, on, or Roger Gray: They would love to hear from you and can arrange to meet up and talk about HOTS.