While we’ve been worshipping, I’ve really felt very much on my heart that God wants to draw us into a place of comforting one another. There are many scriptures in the word of God that tell us that when we go through difficulties and hard times, it produces in us perseverance and that perseverance produces faith, love and comfort.
I fell very much that God is saying to you and me, that we need to comfort one another as a church. That when each one of us go through hard times or times that we don’t quite understand; that what we’ve learned from our own situations and circumstances, when we’ve been troubled or in difficulty, that we have learned from God, His complete peace and direction and the way forward.
I feel God’s word for you today is to learn to comfort one another and that as you do that, the world, this city around you will see a loving, wonderful church that comforts one another, that helps one another to go forward.
As we see the world as it is today in all it’s difficulties and tragedies, to comfort the world and so that will bring the gospel. You will see many people coming to know the Lord as Saviour. So prepare your hearts for that, as people come to you, they will see the love in your hearts for one another and how you care for one another because it starts right here, right now in the church, in this church.
I know that you are a loving church, but God has so much more for you and He’s encouraging you this morning to look for ways to comfort and help one another to bring glory to God.
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