Hey Jubilee! Testimony Sunday is coming up on 28th April! Share your recent stories of God's faithfulness—blessings, struggles, spiritual growth, and more. Your story can encourage others, so keep it short and share with Rai before Sunday. Let's build each other up! #SundayWorship #ShareYourFaith #TestimonySunday
This Sunday (28th April) is Testimony Sunday. We'll be having an extended time of worship and communion together and taking some time to allow people to share recent stories of God's faithfulness.
So this is where 'you' come in Jubilee. We really want to hear about what God is doing in our midst, whether its a testimony, a short story or a scripture.
So what could you share? It could be a story about:
- How God has blessed you this year
- How God has helped you through a difficult time
- How God has drawn you closer to him, through worship, prayer, LifeGroup, Fellowship
- How God has healed you be that physically or emotionally
Or you could share:
- A specific answer to prayer
- A personal word which you have received that is being fulfilled
- A scripture that has blessed and encouraged you
- A particular area of spiritual growth
- An opportunity you've had to share the gospel or encourage someone else
- An area you feel God is challenging you to grow in and how you are doing
However short your story is, it still has the potential to bless and encourage someone else. We'd ask that you keep your stories as short as possible as we want to share as many stories as we can, so that many people will be built up and encouraged.
It doesn't matter how young or old you may be and even if you've never shared or spoken from the front before, we'd love to hear what God is doing in your life at the moment.
If you have a testimony or a story you'd like to share please do let Rai know as soon as possible before Sunday as it will help him plan our time together.
If you don't have Rai's contact information you can email him via: rai.dass@jubilee.org.uk