On Sunday there was a moment during our service when Paul felt that we were on the cusp of a breakthrough during our time of worship. At that moment He felt that we should continue to pray out our thanks to God for who he is and what he has done.
He walked around our gathering with a microphone and asked a few people to pray out from where they stood.
Paul reminded us that it didn’t matter if we prayed the same thing as someone else but that we should simply pray out to God our thanks. These are some of the things which we thanked God for:
Thank you God, so much for your faithfulness, thank you that you never let us down, you are always there, always holding us, always carrying us, always leading and guiding, thank you that you are faithful!
Thank you Lord, that while we were still sinners, you died for us. Thank you for how simple it is that we can have the gift of salvation.
Thank you Lord, that you give us everything, we’re provided for, no matter what situation we’re in, Lord, you understand, you know and you have the answer. Thank you for your faithfulness.
Thank you, Lord, that you are good!
Thank you, Lord, that your love never fails!
Thank you, Father, that you are the way the truth and the life
Thank you, Lord, for your grace,
Thank you, Lord, that you do provide all that we need.
Thank you, Lord, that your joy is our strength
Thank you, Lord, for your faithfulness to us
Yes, thank you, Lord, for your love and your incredible unbroken love in our lives. Even while we were sinners that you gave up your life for us.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, let’s just say the name of Jesus. His name breaks every chain this morning, we want to see freedom come in this place, thank you Lord.