I got a message from Lou Waring from Burton Family Church last night and she said that she felt she had a word from God for at least one of us here at Jubilee this morning, so let me just read out what she said. In fact, she starts like this: “Hi, I just wanted to share the following with you which seems a bit random but I’m going to step out with it. Actually even that in itself is an encouragement to us because you know if you feel like God has spoken you may think, this is a bit weird, I don’t want to pass it on because it’s a bit weird, just step out in faith, share what you feel God has spoken to you about, it’s up to Him to do the work with it. Your responsibility is to bring what you feel God saying. Clearly it must match up with scripture, if you aren’t sure about something it’s always best to share with another leader first and perhaps to go with another person to speak to someone about what you sense God is saying.
Anyway, this is what she sent to me: “I got the word digestion, I’m not 100% clear but I sense that Father God wants to release healing, either in you or through you, or both. I believe it’s an issue with digestive enzymes, it’s not a very common disorder. God wants to restore the balance of the enzymes and bring healing to your body. I believe this may be relevant to someone attending Jubilee tomorrow.
So, if you feel that this word is for you and you would like prayer for that, I would love to pray for you. I’ll be down the front here, so just come and find me, or else after the service if you feel more comfortable with that but do come and do get prayed for. If you would like to receive prayer for healing please speak to your LifeGroup or contact the church office: 01332 322655 or info@jubilee.org.uk