Tim Hardman
Deep Cries Out

We’ve sung some wonderful dancing songs and wonderful celebration. He is the Lord, He is the one that we are lifting high with our mouths as we sing it, with our moves, even if it didn’t feel like your moves were very praise worthy, he took praise from them.

The question may come up, why are we singing about rivers? Why are we singing about dancing in rivers. The Bible talks about God in picture form sometimes because he can be hard to understand, it’s hard for us to get our heard around the infinite, the one who existed before we ever did, before anything ever did. It’s hard to understand what God is like.

The Bible talks of a river flowing out from the temple, a prophet called Ezekiel saw, that the presence of the Lord was there and then this river flowed and it just started off like a stream, then it got deeper and deeper and suddenly it’s deep enough to swim in, deep enough to be swept away and when you went back to the sides of the river, on the banks there were trees that were just loving living on the banks of the river and getting all of that water from the banks. These trees produced fruit 12 times a year. In another place in the Bible it says, this in one of the songs they call Psalms, it says: “when can I go to meet with God? Deep calls out to deep, the depths of God calls out to the depths of my heart, in the roar of your waterfalls, all your waves and breakers have swept over me, it sounds like that river got a bit deeper. He is so good, and He is here this morning wanting to meet with you.