El Roi - The God Who Sees

Yahweh is the name that the Israelites used for God, it’s a name that describes the fact that he’s made everything, that he is the creator of all of it, all that we can see. He is the creator of it all. The thing about when you create something, is that you know it, you know it and so if He has made the Israelites who called him Yahweh, and he’s made you and me, then He isn’t just maker, there’s another name for God, El Roi – He's the God who sees you. The God who knows you, the one who knows what's happening in your life. The one who sees the stuff that you’re really proud of and celebrates it. The God who sees the stuff that you struggle with, and you need encouragement with, he sees you!

We had a wonderful moment last week where a number of people were encouraged by something that our youth RootID did last week and we’re going to take a couple of moments just to share that and celebrate it because this is for the building up of the church.

So last week it was Mother’s Day and in RootID, we had a moment where our young people were creating Mother’s Day cards but not just drawing some pretty pictures on there, but also we started the session off by asking to hear from God, so that we could encourage the person we were writing a card for. Some of the people knew who they were writing cards for, and others didn’t. We believe that as we ask God to help us encourage someone that He will honour that prayer and help us. So, Anne why don’t you share your testimony first.

As I walked out to The Box (where we have our refreshments on Sunday mornings), a number of our youth were there waiting for us with lovely smiley faces handing out these beautiful cards, and mind said “I Am An Overcomer” - I just really felt in that moment with the treatment that I’m currently going through that it was just so appropriate. Some of the young people didn’t know who they were writing a card for and simply prayed that God would give them a piece of scripture that would be for the right person. Mine card was done by Caitlin, and she prayed and felt God give her the scripture that she wrote in it. It was just so appropriate and such an encouragement personally. It also encouraged me so much to see our young people seeking God and hearing from God and passing on to us what God wanted to say to us, so bless you all, thank you!

Ok and Hilary, so why don’t you share your story.

I wanted to say a big thank you to our young people. Now this may come as a bit of a surprise to you, but when I was given the card, I was actually talking. I’m sorry, I do that rather a lot, but it does mean that I didn't see who it was that gave me the card. So, if you remember giving me a card, I’d love to speak to you. I’m not actually going to share what was on the card because it was very, very personal to me but I did just want to encourage you as young people that God speaks to you and whoever it was that did that card for me, I’m so sorry, I don’t remember who it was but whoever you are God really did speak to you that day and what you felt God say to you spoke to my heart and it has blessed me this week, so thanks very much to all of you!

Thank you so much and this is such an encouragement to our young people, but It’s not just for them, is it? It shows us that the Lord answers the prayers of people that ask of Him. If you ask Him to help you be an encouragement to other people, what words could I share with this person that would speak into their life – that God answers those prayers. Isn’t that amazing? So that can happen to any of us, it doesn’t just happen to those in secondary school, so if you are older than that, that’s cool, the Lord wants to speak to you too!