Tim Hardman
Singing In The Spirit

On Sunday as regularly happens we were encouraged to step out and sing out our praises to God as a congregation rather than singing a specific song together. Now it's one thing when someone in the worship team who's a really good singer says that, but what does it look like for us in the congregation, what are we supposed to do?

May be you are left thinking, "hang on, what I've got to make up a song now? What? How's that going to happen!"

So by way of explanation this is what we mean, the Bible says and we believe that every good and perfect gift comes from God.

So when someone says this from the front one way of you finding a way to actually do that, to sing out, is to simply think of one thing that you're grateful to God for. So think about it, one thing that we're grateful for and as the music continues begin to simply speak that out. You might begin quietly or may be you'll start loudly, either is fine. Then as you do that you may want to turn that spoken word into a sung word. So may be you are saying, Lord, I'm grateful for my family, I'm grateful that you have given me people who are around me, my church family and you could simply begin to sing that out.

Sing whatever it is that is on your heart to praise God for, it may be as simple as that and we can then all lift Jesus high in our praises of thanksgiving...

We hope this serves as a bit of an explanation of something you can do when we're asked as a congregation to sing out together in the spirit.