Sarah Pyman
Be Still And Know

Be still and know that I am your God, that I am for you. Be still and know that I am your God, that I am here now. Be still and know, that the ground your standing on is Holy Ground, Be still and know that I am your God, I am the Lord of Lords and I am your Father, I am your Friend and I know what you’re going through right now, but be still and know that I am for you and I love you, I love you with a heart that will go on and on. So give me your heart today, don’t run away from me says the Lord your God today.

What I’m saying to you is be still and know that I love you, that I love you and I am so for you says your God. I love you with an everlasting love, a love that no one can take away, no one can steal it. I am here now, receive the love of God, open your heart to me, open your hands to me. I understand what you are going through but just give me your heart again, trust me again, says the Lord, says the Lord. There is joy, there is peace and the grace of God will keep you keep you safe with me.  

Oh come right now Lord, flood us now Lord, breath on us now Lord, we need you today. Fill us now Lord, come now Lord, please come, fill this place with your river again, of love and joy. Oh we love you Lord, we need you Lord, I want you more and more. Touch us now O God, fill us now O God, make us new in you Lord today. So come Lord, so come Lord, so come Lord, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus.