Adam Civval
Move Afresh

It’s been an amazing week, pressing into God’s presence, pressing in and receiving the fullness of all that He has for us. We’ve been praying, we’ve been seeking His presence and on of the things which we have been seeking and praying for is God’s power. His power to break into situations, to bring healing, to break every chain. I just feel that the Lord is encouraging us this morning, that we can receive that power. It could be that you’ve prayed in the past for healing, that you’ve prayed in the past for situations, you’ve prayed for strongholds to be broken but you haven’t yet seen that breakthrough. You haven’t yet seen that healing. Whatever it might be I feel that today God is saying to us again, press in, press in as a church – so let me encourage you, let’s press in and receive His power.

As David was singing earlier, we long to see you move, I long to see you move Lord God and we will see you move in power, we will see people saved in our city through your power Lord God.

Jesus said you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and to the ends of the earth.

We’ve just been singing, your name is power, your name is healing – break every stronghold, shine through the shadows and Lord God, we pray right now for your power to fall. Holy Spirit would you fall in this place? Lord God come.

If you would like to receive more of God’s power why don’t you just raise your arms up, lift them up right now. Holy Spirit, we welcome you in this place. Lord God, Father, we ask for your power to fall upon us. Lord God, fall upon us as your church and send us out. We pray in Jesus name, Holy Spirit, would you come by the mighty name of Jesus and pour out your power. Lord, we pray for healings, in our church, for our friends, for our families Lord God. Father we pray for the chains of fear would be broken in Jesus name. Oh God we pray for your power in these situations. We pray for your power to break through and Lord God we pray right now for you to move afresh in us all. God move afresh in us, individually, move afresh in us as your church, in Jesus name we cry out to you.

Would you move in power Jesus, move in power Lord, we receive your spirit, come among us afresh we pray in Jesus name!