Tim Hardman
Jesus Is Greater

If you were going to try and express in an equation what we've been singing about, some kind of mathematical formula it would probably be: everything is less than Jesus.

You could flip it though and say Jesus is greater than, and you wouldn't need one of those extra little lines that says 'or equal to', no, no, no! Jesus is greater than, greater than all of it! He is greater than everything that we could have to praise Him about. He is greater than everything that we could have to worry about. Every loss that we have ever suffered, He is greater than them and will bring comfort to. He is greater than everything that we are so scared of, or that we are going to need doctors or surgeons for, He is greater than, He is greater than it all!

This is our worship, as we respond to the one who is greater and we sing about it. I wonder now as we continue if any of those things that you want someone to come alongside you and to agree with you in prayer about. May be you want someone to come and lead you in prayer, or for a prayer of blessing over you. There may be people here that are know they need healing. Or may be you are in the middle of something and you simply need some wisdom from God on the way forward. As we worship again in moment I would love us to gather around people who need prayer, and listen, there is no shame in needing prayer!

So if you've got something that your heart is bursting for, that you want prayer for because you are so full of praise for the Lord and you want someone to agree and pray with you for that, then that's amazing! We'll do that and we'll also pray for healing and for wisdom, whatever it is.

As we worship again now and lift the name of Jesus, high. The name which is greater than everything, I would love us to pray, this isn't a counselling session but we will pray for you because Jesus is greater than everything, let's lift him high!

If you would like someone to pray for you email: prayer@jubilee.org.uk or speak to your LifeGroup leader or someone you trust and ask them to pray for you today!