As we were worshipping my mind kept getting drawn to the image of a lighthouse. It’s a very precious image for me as my great grandparents and going back were lighthouse keepers. Lighthouses are built to withstand storms, and I don’t know if you’ve ever seen pictures of a lighthouse in a storm.
Sometimes all you can see is the little light on the top of it, the waves are crashing against it with the force of the ocean, the wind is lashing against it, ripping into the brickwork, into the stone but the lighthouse withstands the storm. Now the first time the lighthouse keeper goes into a lighthouse, I’m sure he’s a bit nervous, is this lighthouse sound? Has it been built well? Is it going to be strong enough when the storms come? He soon though, learns to trust in the integrity of the structure of that lighthouse.
I believe that this is a picture of Christ for us, the first time we trust Him in a storm, it can be a bit of a white-knuckle ride. It can be terrifying; we have doubts coming into our minds. Is He trustworthy? Is He going to hold? The waves are pretty big, and that wind is pretty sharp and strong, is He going to hold? The more you trust Him though, the more storms that you weather with Him, the more your confidence grows, in the integrity of the structure, Christ is faithful, so I encourage you, to keep putting your faith in Him, trust in the integrity of who Jesus Christ is.