David Ash

What do you call home and what does that mean? What does home feel like to you? Is that something you know when you get home to your house or is home somewhere else?

Psalm 84 says this: “How lovely is your dwelling place Lord Almighty, my soul yearns even faints for your courts, my heart and my flesh cry out.

The Psalmist is speaking about yearning, a longing for home.

The next bit says, “even the sparrow has found a home and the swallow a nest, right near your altar.”

So, my question to you is, do you feel like you belong? Because this passage says that the sparrow belongs, even the sparrow. In the New Testament in Matthew 10:29-31, it talks about how we are much more precious than the sparrows! 

So, if you have come this morning and you don’t feel home, then God wants you to know that you belong, that you are precious, that you can call the courts of the Lord “lovely”, that you can feel like it’s a lovely place to be, a wonderful place to be! This is a wonderful place to be, in God’s presence. You don’t have to fear His presence.

Later in this Psalm it says: “better is one day in your courts than a 1,000 elsewhere”. It’s goes on to say, I’d rather be just at the door, I’d rather be just at the door. I’d rather be a simple doorkeeper, than be anywhere else!

So, this is my prayer:

Lord, would you show us that we belong? Lord, would you give us that longing for your presence, that isn’t quenched by anything else. A longing that causes us to seek your presence Lord, that cause us to desire to be in your house, to know you, to know your heart, to know that we’re much more precious than the sparrow. Yes, the sparrows are welcome, even the sparrow finds a home, but that we are much more welcome!

Help us Lord to know that we are home, when we are with you, help us to know, that we know, that we know, that we are home in your presence Lord, that, that is where we can find rest.

Help us to know that, that is where we can find fullness and wholeness Lord. Where we can find that the bits of us that don’t feel complete are made whole. Lord, that your presence is a place where we can be refreshed and that even when we walk through the darkest valley, the deepest valley, the driest desert, Lord, that springs will come up behind us, because your presence goes with us. Help us to remember that you’re all around us, that you’re always with us, in every moment, Lord God, as we welcome you in Lord, you are right there with us, Lord, even when we are unaware.

Would you come Lord? Would you come Lord, help us to know that we are home, help us to know we’re home, we’re home.

You can watch / listen to the original recordings below:

Psalm 84 - 1
Psalm 84 - 2

Demystifying The Prophetic

Demystifying the Prophetic:
I explain a bit about how I felt the Holy Spirit stir this prophetic word in me, you can read more about that here.