I don't know how many of you can remember being in a swimming pool or being in the sea, maybe even just in a bath, that's absolutely fine. When you're immersed, you know, usually it's just your head sticking out, isn't it? But actually, God's love is like the ocean and actually, you're immersed in it all of the time.
If you think about it, how do you get away from the sea when you're in it? You can't! You know, you're immersed in it. Nothing can separate you from it! God's love for us this morning is on us continually and always and forever, never separated.
The other thing related to this was, I don’t know about you but in the past when I have done something which I think later has hurt someone and I’m feeling guilty about it. I will think on it over and over and think I shouldn’t have done that. May be I’ve spoken out of turn or may be I’ve been critical or something like that and I’ve gone away and thought later, I shouldn’t have done that. Then I think and think about it.
Eventually, I go to the person and say “I’m really sorry about that”. The vast majority of the time, that I’ve done this, the person has usually said “did you? I don’t remember that”. I’ve caused myself all sorts of problems in my heart by not just going to them and saying sorry early enough. More often than not people are forgiving and so gracious. I Just want to say God’s like that. He says I knew but come, come on, I’m closer to you now than I’ve ever been. I will always be that close, but when you’ve got something on your heart you can’t hide from it.
I almost felt like I needed to go up and hide behind one of the curtains and say “boo” because God’s there and He knows, He was there when we did whatever it was that’s burdening us. When we were singing that song earlier about being close to God and pulling in and how gracious He is, He knows and He is saying come, come, come on sweet one, come and say you’re sorry, because I know and I’ve already paid and given you forgiveness for that. So come and have that embrace of love, because I love you. Even when I knew that was going to happen I love you, come on in, I love you.