Reaching The Summit

Chrissy shared a prophetic word which she felt was for someone in our meeting, we thought it would be good to share it here too. 

Chrissy says:

"I believe I have a word of encouragement for somebody, I’ve been really wrestling with it over there but I really felt that I’ve got to bring it this morning.

I have had this picture of somebody who is mountain climbing. They’re going up this mountain, they’ve got a harness on and they’re attached with the rope but the person going up the mountain is getting a bit weary and is starting to get wobbly. Life can get wobbly sometimes for all of us who trust in the Lord. 

Then the person loses their grip and they’re just hanging, all they wanted to do was just get to the top and get to the summit, so that they could see the sunrise. 

I believe the Lord is wanting to say “hey, your rope is not attached to nothing, it’s attached to me and you just hang in there. You just hang in there because I’m lifting you above this and you are going to see the summit because my love will endure forever. My love will lift you over every circumstance. So don’t feel oh I’m just hanging here and you’re a bit lost, what’s going to happen to me?

God is holding on to you, he’s holding your heart and he’s at the other end of the rope, he is lifting you. You are going to see the summit, you are going to see that sunrise and joy is going to feel your heart.

Adam then got up and prayed for us:

"This is such a good encouragement. Lord God, we give you all of our worship this morning. We lift you high for all you have done and all that you will do Lord God and for all that you are. Lord, thank you that you hold us tight, you hold us tight. That harness is wrapped tight around us, thank you that your love envelops us. Lord God, your love absolutely surrounds us. Lord, Father God, we thank you for speaking to us so powerfully this morning. Lord God, we pray that as we continue, that you would continue to speak to us in Jesus' name. Amen