Jubilee News
2020 Initiative - what is it?

Last night at Devoted Steve Hurd presented a new ChristCentral initiative. Entitled the 2020 Initiative the vision is to see at least 20 new churches planted in the uk by the year 2020!

As part of Newfrontiers we believe that planting new churches is one of the best ways of re-evangelising our nation. As a family of churches we have a prophetic mandate to ask God for 1,000 churches in the United Kingdom. Currently there are around 300 churches and most of these are situated in the south of the UK.

In the North of England, Scotland and Wales there are numerous towns and cities with significant populations where not only are there no Newfrontiers churches but very few evangelical or charismatic churches of any great size.

We want to pick up and run with the mandate God has given us and plant churches that will plant more churches in our major towns and cities.

We're excited that our Burton small group has been included in the list of places, which as a family of churches, we are seeking to see new church plants established. If you missed last nights meeting or would like to find out more, why not visit the new 2020 Initiative website:

Watch the promo now: