Graham Pyman

Have you noticed how most British people, ok it's a massive generalisation, forgive me if this is not you, but my observation is most British people, if you put it in the context of say maybe a football match or a pop concert and if there's something about, you know, shouting for your team, then there will be a great roar and a lot of volume. But if you put those same people in, say, for example a church service, then suddenly it's dialled down and we become quieter and maybe more respectable. I don't know, I don't think so.

So, my suggestion is this. OK, my suggestion is we’ll sing that chorus a couple of times more and at the end of it when Caroline finishes, I suggest we make a great shout of praise to King Jesus because he is worthy of our praise! Isn't he? Some of us think, I don't want to shout it out. I'd rather be quiet and you know, maybe you're a more reserved person. Maybe I'm just a bit more exuberant but actually it's to see and to show and declare God's goodness aren't we. So, my suggestion, if you're up for this, is this OK that we've seen that course a couple more times and at the end of it when the music stops and probably Sandeep will let it rip on the drums and then we could do that. That we give a great shout of praise to King Jesus. Is that OK?

So, let's go for that again and then we'll lift our voices and declare our love for Jesus and kids, this is your opportunity to shout at the top of your voices with no one telling you to dial it down. That does not happen at home, but it can happen at church. OK, so this is your opportunity for you today too. So, shout as loudly as you can at the end of this song, your love and praise for King Jesus, OK?

This encouragement was shared on Sunday 14/05/2023