Freedom in Christ - Rachel
I really got the sense earlier that God means business this morning and Paul shared about not even necessarily knowing what it is that you're breaking free from. But I really just had a sense that some people do know actually we all know what we have done. Romans 8 says that there is no condemnation in the Lord Jesus, it says that we have freedom and it goes on to say that he bought that freedom and we can stand in that. I really felt this morning that actually condemnation and shame can become your default. Even to the point of a bit of a security blanket that when it comes to mind, the things that you have done, it becomes a way of proving to yourself that you're really sorry. In a way of, I'm going to stand here in my wrongness and be wrong so that I can prove that I really am sorry.
Actually, with true freedom and forgiveness comes freedom from that sin and freedom from that shame. If you're still holding on to that as a way of yeah, but I really, really am sorry.
I had a picture of a child in a dark bedroom crying. I don't know whether that was just me as a child, but once I've been told off, I'd go somewhere and sulk for a bit about how it was all unfair, but also about actually feeling a bad and eventually someone would come upstairs to find me and we'd have a nice hug and we'll talk it all through about how my parent wanted the best for me and that's why we work through those things.
I really feel this morning that the father's heart for you is love and if you're standing still in that shame of feeling really bad, for the things that you’ve done, that He's already forgiven and forgotten, and you have a fresh start if you want it.
I'm going to pray. Lord, I thank you that you are the perfect father. Lord, I thank you, you sent your son to die so we could be free. Lord, I'm sorry for when I stand in the guilt and shame still, when I cling to the things of my old life, instead of standing in the fullness that you paid such a price for. I'm sorry when my actions say Jesus's blood was not enough because it was. I thank you that everything that I have done and thought has been paid for and now I can stand in freedom. In fact, I'm told to stand in freedom. If I'm going to be obedient to my father in heaven, I'm going to stand in the freedom in the full life, the abundant life that's been brought for me. Lord Jesus, would you fill us with your spirit? Would we know from the very depths of our soul the freedom that you have bought for us, the way that you see us when you look at us, which is free?
I'm perfect, not just a work in progress, but perfect washed in the blood of Jesus. But I pray that you would help us to lay down those things of the past and step into the freedom that you've brought for us. Lord Jesus, would you help us today? Would we let go of that security blanket? Would we let go of the things of us trying to fix it ourselves and say it is finished, you have done it and I stand to proclaim I am free and free indeed.