Jubilee News
Hope City Furniture

So Rich and I, as many of you know, run a Christian charity in Derby called Hope City Furniture. We are enabled to do this by a number of churches, families, friends and individuals who support us financially. This basically enables us to run this charity in Derby where we provide furniture for people that have been rehoused due to crisis.

One of the churches that supports us is actually based in New Zealand; which is where we were based for a couple of years. Every four years or so the church in New Zealand brings back all their missionaries from across the world for a 10-day conference. So, we as a family, will be going out to New Zealand for 4 weeks for this conference and to spend time with friends and supporters.

It will be a time of teaching from the senior leaders at the church and also a time of fellowship where we can catch up with the other missionary friends that this church supports, which, as I said, are all over the world, and it's a chance for relationship building within the church family as well. 

So, if you don’t see us for a few weeks that’s where we are! We would really appreciate your prayers for the journey, we’ll fly out from Heathrow and there are a number of large events taking place on the day of our flight as well as security strikes. These things weren't happening when we originally booked our flights! It's also an awful long journey, 24 solid hours of flying which we don't find particularly enjoyable, so please pray for the journey. 

Also please pray that, we can be a blessing. We'll be staying at the WEC base in New Zealand. WEC is a big mission sending agency that we used to be a part of. The WEC base is next door to the WEC college, which was where we were living for two years. So, while we're there, we'll be sharing with the current students at the Bible College. We'll also be sharing with the current candidates that are looking to work as international missionaries. So, while we are there we'll have a number of speaking engagements and so we really want to pray that God blesses us while we are there and that we are a blessing to those that we're sharing with as well!