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AMP Prayer Gathering
Whether you are usually an early morning person or not, we wanted to let you know that every week now we have an early morning prayer gathering called AMP (AM Prayer) which we’d love you to join in with.
It started in response to our week of prayer and a growing desire to gather more regularly for times of prayer. It seems to have settled for a Wednesday morning on Zoom but could be any day people are free.
To find out a bit more and join the group click here.
Burton Sunday
Sunday 26 March 2023
We’ve got exciting plans for our gathering on Sunday 26 March 2023. You may be aware that it’s the Derby 10k and in previous years it’s been hard to get to QUAD.
We’ve been wondering what to do and we feel that this would be an ideal opportunity for us to meet with our good friends in Burton from Burton Family Church, our church plant in Burton led by Matt & Lou Waring. You can find out more here.
More details here...
LoveDerby - Save The Date - Sunday 23 April 2023
On Sunday 23 April we’ll be hosting our next LoveDerby Sunday, serving the neighbourhoods of our city and making a difference in various places.
As you may have heard four times a year instead of meeting in our usual venue we will spend time out in our community serving our city. In April we’ll once again be partnering with various projects and initiatives across the city.
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Earthquake Response Update
Türkiye and Syria Earthquake Update
Thanks to your generosity, Jubilee was able to contribute to the relief fund established by Newfrontiers to help churches in the region respond to the aftermath of the earthquake.
One of the pastors overseeing the relief work has produced a video update which we’ve included in an article about how churches have been serving survivors.
Read this encouraging update here.
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One Anothering - A recent blog post on our news feed
A couple of weeks ago during our Sunday meeting we received a number of prophetic words and encouragements around the subject of persevering through hard times and the importance of building community.
Unsurprisingly the New Testament isn't silent about this, there are over 59 'one another' statements and in this blog post we look at what the Bible has to say on the subject of 'one anothering'.
The Gospel Of Mark - A preaching series from Jubilee
We’re currently working our way through our series on The Gospel of Mark on Sunday mornings. We’ve been looking at this eyewitness account of Jesus’ life as Mark encourages us to see Jesus through a different lens.
You can catch up on the series on our website. You'll find this and many other archived series on our media page: Why not catch up today?
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Testimonies recently shared
We firmly believe in the power of testimony; that God can use our testimony, to not only remind us of His faithfulness but also that sharing a testimony releases the power of God to work afresh in our lives and in the lives of other people.
Here are a few testimonies which were shared during a recent Sunday gathering. If you have a testimony you would like to share, we’d love to hear it, visit:
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Worship & Production Team Gathering
A gathering for people involved serving in our worship or production teams will take place on Monday 27th March 2023 at 7.30pm - at Sandeep & Rhean's home. To find out more speak to James or Naomi or contact