Randa and I want to pause a moment to thank God, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for His faithfulness to us these last 25 years of ministry, “For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations”(Psalm 100:5). You have been used by God to share our vision, “We will bring eternal and lasting transformation to the Cambodian people through the renewal of hearts and minds as we present the message of salvation and forgiveness through Jesus Christ.” We are honored to have you as our partners and friends of the ministry.
June and July are always the two busiest months of the year for TransformAsia. We annually organize and participate in a month-long distribution of rice throughout the country of Cambodia. We are not only feeding the physically hungry with food, but also giving spiritual food to feed their souls. This creates opportunities for us to reach out to an average of 20,000 to 30,000 families throughout this poor nation. We appreciate your prayers and your continued support.
TransformAsia would like to humbly announce that our good Lord has brought us to our 25th year of ministry on July 25, 2015 with much blessings. Our board of directors, associates, and faithful supporters like yourself are all invited to Phnom Penh, Cambodia for this celebration. If you cannot come and want to donate toward the cost of the celebration (we will bring a couple thousand church members, staff and associates from across the country for this big event in Phnom Penh). We count this as a huge blessing to many who cannot afford the bus fees and food for the journey.
Thank you for your prayers for Randa’s health. She is doing much better right now. Our doctor friends in the San Antonio, Texas area were helping Randa to identify the real cause of her long suffering illness and she is now under treatment along with a special diet. Thank you again for your prayer.
The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be my God, the Rock, my Savior! (2 Samuel 22:47) I will proclaim the name of the LORD. Oh, praise the greatness of our God! (Deuteronomy 32:3) Therefore I will praise you, O LORD, among the nations; I will sing the praises of your name. (2 Samuel 22:50) The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. (Psalm 19:1) O LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago[even in Cambodia and through TransformAsia]. (Isaiah 25:1)
God Bless you our dear friends!
In His Name, Setan Lee
Prayer Requests
~ Pray for Setan and Randa as they are in Cambodia. Setan will be traveling back and forth while Randa will remain in Cambodia until January 2016.
~ Pray for those who will be traveling to Cambodia to join us on the rice distribution. Pray for our ministry partners who help us with the distributions: the Musicianaries and Positive Life Radio.
~ Pray for those who accept Christ while receiving rice this month. Pray that the churches involved will help to disciple the new believers.
~ Pray for those who will be traveling to celebrate 25 years of ministry with us in Cambodia. We are thankful to the Lord for all He has given. We are praying for a vision of the future--that the Lord will open our eyes to see what is next for TransformAsia.
Staff Spotlight
Thoeun Korm
David Orphanage Center
in Anglong Veng
I was a female guerrilla under the Pol Pot regime. (Thoeun was Pol Pot's nurse, checking his blood pressure, and just simple nursing techniques. She was also very loyal to Pol Pot, and was someone close to him.) I spent most of my life living in the jungle responsible for providing the ammunition, tools and food to the front line. I had no permanent home nor base. We were mobile and mostly on the run from the Vietnamese forces. Every day they were looking for us and we were constantly hiding and sometimes we would be lost for 3-4 days in the jungle without food.
When we were on the run, I only took with me a cooking pot and a knife. The only cloth I had was what I was wearing on me and that was torn apart.
The reason I came to faith in Christ was because I was hopeless and had gone through very many hardships in life since I was a little girl. I never experienced a real peace nor had a sense of trust in anyone. Even in the midst of all of this I believed in Jesus who is the true Living God-knowing that He is going to get me out of these messes. I believe He is my hope for a better future. I know God has been working in my life and even opened doors for my three children to attend school and they have been blessed with good health.
I enjoy working with TransformAsia and I serve God with this organization without any reservations. I give my total trust to God through Jesus Christ that He is going to lead me into a bright future. Moreover, I believe that God would (and has) meet all of our family’s needs and we experience His peace in our lives and I believe we will until He takes us home.