Last week we gathered representing churches across our city to pray for Derby and our nation. We started our time together with worship, led by the team at ANFC Derby.
Anna Mann from St Werburghs then opened our time of prayer together by sharing from 2 Chronicles 20 and reminding us that though we may feel powerless against the events that are going on in our city this winter, we will can fix our eyes on our God, because He is with us through every battle.
It’s so easy to feel powerless but we must take our focus from what ‘we can do’ and put our focus on the King of Kings.
There has been an increase of over 480 food parcels per month so far this year.
We were reminded again from Chronicles that if God’s people, called by His name humble ourselves, pray and seek His face and turn from our own way, then God will hear from heaven, forgive our sin and heal our land.
We asked God to bind up the poor and broken hearted, for His spirit to be poured out and for the peace and welfare of our city.
We thought about what obstacles might be in the way of people asking for help.
Shame - different cultures see shame differently and culture shapes us.
Knowledge - lack of awareness of what support is availale
Pride - I can’t be seen to be asking for help
What will people say, suffering without asking for help
We prayed that people would know that they need help and ask for help sooner than later. We also prayed that God would help us through His Holy Spirit to discern those around us who may need support and that we would be good neighbours to people in our city.
This was a powerful evening together and it was exciting to be together and cry out to God for our city. Our time together closed by singing Way Maker which seemed so appropriate as we asked God to make a way where there doesn’t seem to be a way in our city this winter time.