Jubilee News
Summer Update

Summer 2022
Summer Sundays - July to August 2022

We thought we'd quickly update you on some of the things coming up this summer and into the Autumn term...

Newday 2022
With just a week til Newday 2022 starts we'd love you to join us in praying for our young people as they gather with 1,000s of others from across the country and the nations. Newday is always a really special time of re-connecting, even more so this year, as this is the first in person Newday since 2019!

Please pray for: for safety, for health, for salvation, for great times in God's presence, for spiritual growth, for great fun... (more)


We need help with the following:

* spare camping equipment for our Ukrainian guests

* Flap Jack / similar tray bakes (stuff that won't go off if it's warm)

If you can help please contact: youth@jubilee.org.uk 



Sam & Abi Little

Catch up today!

On Sunday we heard an update from Sam & Abi Little who are based in Siem Reap. Before they headed out to Cambodia at the end of December 2019 they spoke at Jubilee about their plans. It was so good to hear from them about how they are settling in in Cambodia and so encouraging to hear Sam speaking on Being A Spirit Led People.

Watch / Listen Now...

LifeGroup Sunday
LifeGroup Sunday

Sunday 28 August 2022

On Sunday 28th August we are not meeting at QUAD but LifeGroups are organising to gather together as communities across our City. More details will be available direct from your group. If you aren't part of a group but would like to find out more then visit: jubilee.org.uk/lifegroups or email: lifegroups@jubilee.org.uk 

Picnics In August

Join us for a picnic after our Sunday gathering

On the 7th, 14th, 21st August why not join us for a picnic? We'll meet up after our Sunday gatherings and enjoy a picnic together at one of our wonderful city parks.

Details TBC - keep an eye on the app for more information. To download the app visit: jubilee.org.uk/app

Download The App Now...

New Preaching Series

Mark 's Gospel

In September we're looking forward to starting a new preaching series looking at the Gospel of Mark. In this fast paced and dramatic account Mark encourages us to see Jesus through a different lens and asks us the question, will you follow him? So we'd love you to join us a we look at this eyewitness account of Jesus’ life!

Find out more...

Frog ClubFrog Club & Creche Summer Break

Over the summer our children's work teams (both Frog Club & Creche) will be having a well earned break. Our children's work will restart on Sunday 4th September.