The Gospel Of Mark - New Series

In September we're looking forward to starting a new preaching series looking at the Gospel of Mark. Join us as we look at this eyewitness account of Jesus’ life as Mark encourages us to see Jesus through a different lens and asks us the question, will you follow him?

Mark’s Gospel is thought to be the earliest account of Jesus’ life which exists. It is the shortest of the four gospels and often presents its account in a mysterious way. Scholars generally agree that the gospel was written in around AD64, which was about the time that Nero began to persecute Christians in Rome. Because it was written so soon after the period which it records and is based on direct accounts from eyewitnesses, it is also seen by scholars as the most reliable of all the gospel accounts.

It is generally understood that the writer was a man called John Mark, a relative of Barnabas (a leader in the church in Antioch). Mark travelled with Paul and Barnabas on one of their many missionary journeys and was a close friend of Peter, thought to be Jesus’ closest disciple. The gospel has a dramatic sense of urgency and pace throughout and it consistently asks the reader, “will you follow?”. 
We’re excited to be working our way through a gospel account and would love you to join us!

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Once this series starts you'll find all the video and audio below: