Graham Webb
Being Good Listeners

Graham Webb spoke to us on Sunday on the subject of being good listeners. His aim was to encourage us to use every opportunity given us to be involved in our communities and reach out to others with the love of Jesus and encourage us to wise as we speak about Jesus with others. He reminded us that there is wisdom in not simply talking all the time but taking time to listen to others stories, hopes and dreams.

God has given us good news and whilst we may not think of our testimonies as terribly dramatic, your story is a story of God working in your life. We should listen out to when the things we have experienced can help and encourage others and allow the story that God has weaved into our lives to speak to others, that every part of our lives can be relevant to help and encourage others on their journey of faith. Allow God to help you drop bits of your story into conversation as they are relevant to what those around us are saying and sharing with us.

God will use us to take good news to people, we’re the people who hear God, we have the keys to eternal life we should be ready to share our story with others as we are given space and opportunity.

Graham reminded us that when we are with people that we should be interested in their story, their lives. We should look out for body language - do they look interested in what we are saying, are they receptive or are they trying to close down the conversation? It’s easy even with the truth to be foolish and to share it in a way which puts people off, which actually does more harm than good. Graham shared some of his personal testimony about how God showed him that power of listening and being slow to speak.

James 1:19
“Quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry”

It’s remarkable what happens when you listen, you can find out what people are putting first in their lives, the things which are important to them, their hopes, aspirations, dreams. Everyone has them!

How do you know if someone is receptive to the message of the gospel, receptive to hearing something about Jesus? Well you can simply slip something into conversation, keep watching, are they open or closed? Is their body language saying they are interested or are they starting to show signs they’ve heard enough. You should be able to tell, they close their arms, or they’ll try and move the conversation onto something completely different, if so, let it go.

We should be like the sower in the parable in the gospels any seed we sow can produce a harvest, scatter your seeds, the seeds of words and deeds for the gospel. If people ask you to pray for them, because they know you are a christian, then offer to do it there and then, ask permission from them to put your hand on them, if that is appropriate and pray a simple prayer, pray listening, pray while you are praying, pray simply and quickly asking God to speak to you and show you how to pray and for the words to say!

Colossians 4:3-5
God is with you wherever you go, so look for doors to open for Him, remember the Bible says, his sheep hear his voice!



Watch the whole service from Sunday 12-June-22

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