David Ash
Joyned App

Get Our Community App:
Community Loop App Store Link  Community Loop on Google Play

More Details

For communities to grow and thrive it is vital that they are able to maintain means of communication and interaction in an easy and safe manner. One thing which the COVID-19 pandemic reminded us was the power of being in touch with those we care about and are building community with!

As a result of this desire to facilitate community we are using an app called 'Joyned' (formerly 'Community Loop'). It's a simple communication tool, designed for communities, with the purpose of helping one another stay connected.

Public Group
You'll find that our main public group is a simple one-way news and information tool to keep you updated with events and news from Jubilee Church. Posting in this group is limited and updates are usually posted a couple of times a week. Reactions are enabled but general comments are switched off to keep the number of messages to a minimum.

Private Community Groups
However, because the primary reason for using the app is to help people stay in touch with one another, we also have multiple private subgroups or interest groups (eg. LifeGroups, Serving Teams, LoveDerby Day teams). These groups can be joined either by requesting access or by being invited by another member or leader. Because these groups are private they are usually more interactive, with all members being able to post updates and ask or answer questions.

Download Now!
To get set up, simply download the relevant app for your device using the links below. Once installed, you’ll be asked to complete a simple registration process, including an email address and your name. You will also be given the option to add a profile image.

You can then click on "find your organisation" and search for "Jubilee Church Derby” or you can click on this link once you've installed the app or use the QR code below. That’s it, you’ll be all set to receive news and information from Jubilee direct to your phone!

QR Code - JCD Joyned Main

Community Loop App Store Link  Community Loop on Google Play

The Small Print...
The designers are regularly updating and adding new features so you will notice improvements and changes as time goes on. The Joyned app is available for free on the App Store® or on Google Play®. One of the many great advantages is that it maintains your privacy, respects UK-GDPR and means you don’t have to share your phone number with everyone in our community!

To find out more about the app, including the terms and conditions, privacy policy and other important information please visit: 

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