David Fellingham is a well known musician, worship leader, teacher and prophet within the Newfrontiers family of churches. He is considered one of our founding fathers and worked alongside Terry Virgo for many years as part of the leadership team at CCK in Brighton.
Dave in these two talks on Revival discusses firstly what Revival is and isn’t, how the word is used in various areas of life and what the word could mean to Christians. The difficulty we find is that the meaning taken from the word often it depends on your church background there doesn’t seem to be a single use of the word amongst Christendom.
Dave argues that a big clue for our understanding of what Revival is, should more than likely come from the early chapters of the book of Acts, where the first outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the newly formed church community took place.
In these chapters we see the formation of the early church and Jesus ministry being taken up and continued by his disciples and those who were being filled with the Holy Spirit.
During his study of the book of Acts Dave has counted over 20 distinctive features of the church at that time, characteristics which made the early church look like the prototype church it was meant to be.
If we consider the word Revival to mean a re-establishing of what was there at the beginning there is a huge challenge for us as there are so many distinctives which we would no doubt consider to be vital to the early churches understanding of the new community which was forming and which was shaped by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.
Dave continues through the first part of this teaching to discuss some of the features of revivals thorugh the centuries, talks about what elements were visible in them and the long term impact of those times of renewal.
He thunders to an end of this section with the fervent cry that we’ve had reformation, we’ve had renewal and restoration, but the crying need for today’s church and the world around us, is a fresh mighty outpouring of God’s spirit; the crying need today is for REVIVAL.
You can watch and listen to this talk below: