Derby City churches are joining together to hold an information event at Woodlands Evangelical church, in Allestree on Saturday 11th July from 10am to 12 noon. This is an opportunity to find out more about whether you could consider fostering or adopting a child, to meet existing foster carers, adopters and social workers, and to hear about the work of Home For Good, a national Christian charity that are helping churches consider what role they can play in helping our most vulnerable children.
There are currently around 4000 children in the East Midlands waiting to be fostered and only 150 foster carers in Derby City. A high percentage of the people whom Derby City Mission work with who are street homeless or have chaotic lifestyles have been in the care system in the past
Who are Home For Good?
Every day more than 50 children are taken into care in the UK. They are removed from chaotic, traumatic, abusive, neglectful or desperate situations. Some of them need a home in an emergency. Some of them need a temporary home until they can return to their families. Some of them need an occasional home to give their families a break. Some of them need a permanent home with a new forever family.
The Church is uniquely placed to offer its help to meet this need – both in terms of finding families to foster or adopt and providing an excellent community of support to wrap around those who do.
Home for Good is a charity which aims to make adoption and fostering a significant part of the life and ministry of the Church in the UK. Working together with Care for the Family and the Churches’ Child Protection Advisory Service (CCPAS) to ensure excellence in all that we do, we are dedicated to inspiring, equipping and coordinating the network of local movements, churches and individuals who are making the Home for Good vision a reality. We raise awareness of the need for foster and adoptive parents, encouraging families to provide loving homes for the children in care, and equipping the Church to offer welcoming communities for them.
Being part of the solution to this need isn’t just wishful thinking. Through its web of connections, Home for Good has a voice into approximately 15,000 churches. If one family in each of these churches chose to foster or adopt, there would be no children in the UK without a home.
We believe that this is a fantastic opportunity for the Church to be good news in society, to change our communities, and to transform the lives of some of our country’s most vulnerable children.
Home for Good exists to find a home for every child who needs one. Find out more...
Dr Krish Kandiah: Founder and Director
Krish is passionate about helping the Church relate relevantly and faithfully to contemporary culture and about global, multi-cultural and church-based mission. He is president of London School of Theology, and is a husband, father, adopted dad and foster carer. Krish worked for the Evangelical Alliance, and launched Home for Good as a campaign and then as a charity.
Don't forget Krish will be speaking at this summer's Devoted festival. Read more here...