Jubilee News
Christmas Carols & Christmas Celebration

Love Came Down - Christmas Carols

On Sunday 12 December 2021, 6PM at QUAD join us for LOVE CAME DOWN - our Christmas Carol event this Christmas time. There will be traditional carols, a retelling of the Christmas story, followed by mince pies and hot drinks (COVID permitting). We'd love to invite you to join us even if you've never been to Jubilee before and look forward to you being with us!

We will once again be taking an offering for the work of "Faith Hope and Enterprise", a registered charity which provides supported housing in Derby and Derbyshire for some of the most marginalised members of society. Read more below...

This event is in place of our usual morning celebration! Come along and invite some friends to join us, this promises to be a highlight of the Christmas season.

In Person and Online
Join us in person at QUAD - 18:00hrs - QUAD, Market Place, Cathedral Quarter, Derby, DE1 3AS
Join us online: or  at 18:00hrs GMT on Sunday 12th December 2021

You can share this event with others by sharing this event link or by sharing our Facebook event on your profile or you can share on Instagram or Twitter.

You can pick up a flyer on Sunday mornings or from your LifeGroup leaders or we can post a few out to you if you'd prefer. Alternatively we'll be giving out flyers in the Derbion on Sunday 4th December so you could collect some from us there. 

Why not give them to your neighbours, pop them in a Christmas card to friends. You can log in and join us from anywhere in the world via livestream / youtube.

Alternatively you can download a print a flyer:

Black & White

Separate Links:

You can share this event with others by sharing our website event link: 

You can also share our posts on:



Or on Twitter: 

We are supporting Faith Hope and Enterprise: “Faith Hope and Enterprise provide supported accommodation for vulnerable people.  Christmas can be a very difficult time for residents, as so much is made of family, food and presents.  These are things they may not have themselves, but miss.  For many residents, Christmas leaves them even more lonely and isolated than usual.  In recent years, Jubilee has donated the Christmas Carol Service offering to Faith Hope and Enterprise to cover the cost of providing Christmas hampers to residents.  These contain a mix of Christmas food they may not otherwise be able to afford (such as Christmas cake, Christmas pudding, mince pies and treats), daily essentials like bread and milk, toiletries and small gifts.  We deliver the hampers Christmas week, to ensure that residents have some social contact and can talk to us if they need to. Faith Hope and Enterprise currently houses 34 adults and 3 three children – and the offering will provide appropriate food and presents for everyone.  We know our residents well and we know how valuable the hampers have been to them in the past.  We are very grateful to Jubilee for their generosity towards those people facing difficult times.  Thank you.” 

To find out more about Faith Hope Enterprise click here.

Tricks and Laughs - a Christmas Celebration for all the Family
Join us on Sunday 19 December 2021, 10am at QUAD as we celebrate Christmas together. A morning of Christmas carols, tricks and laughs suitable for all the family. With special guest Steve Legg, international baffler extraordinaire. We'll be celebrating together the birth of Jesus and all that Christmas means. This event will be an excellent opportunity to invite friends and family to! 

You and your family will be entertained and this morning will certainly get you into the Christmas spirit. We look forward to you joining us!

In Person
Join us in person at QUAD - 10:00hrs - QUAD, Market Place, Cathedral Quarter, Derby, DE1 3AS

Join us online: or  at 10:00hrs GMT on Sunday 19th December 2021

Invite Others
You can share this event with others by sharing this event link or by sharing our Facebook event on your profile or you can share on Instagram or Twitter.

You can pick up a flyer on Sunday mornings or from your LifeGroup leaders or we can post a few out to you if you'd prefer. Alternatively we'll be giving out flyers in the Derbion on Sunday 4th December so you could collect some from us there. 

Why not give them to your neighbours, pop them in a Christmas card to friends. You can log in and join us from anywhere in the world via livestream / youtube.

Alternatively you can download a print a flyer:

Black & White

Separate Links:

You can share this event with others by sharing our website event link: 

You can also share our posts on:



Or on Twitter: