Update from Nigel Ring
Ebola Update
There was a very positive response to the appeal in recent months to help people in Liberia, Sierra Leona, Guinea and Nigeria through our churches. John Hammond, who worked hard to coordinate the appeal, has produced an excellent update. If you wish to have a copy please contac the church office.
Pacific Rim Newsletter
In recent weeks I have published brief reports from various Newfrontiers apostolic spheres. This Newsletter came to me recently from The Pacific Rim, led by Peter Brooks, and gives some encouraging reports from Australia, New Zealand and Cambodia.
Two weeks ago I had the enjoyable privilege of meeting with a group of passionate men and women who work hard to help Newfrontiers churches in the UK to engage with those who are poor or in need in their communities. It was stimulating to hear of ministries from around the UK which are clearly having a major impact. If you do not already subscribe to the regular email updates I urge you to do so by visiting the website. This website is full of resources and up to date information – well worth browsing!
Jubilee+ Conference
On October 17th Jubilee+ holds their annual conference, this year in East Grinstead. Book early to take advantage of the reduced fee! I urge all who are involved in ministries with the poor to attend.
This article was originally written by Nigel Ring on his blog: "Feeding 5,000 is no picnic". You can read more from Nigel at: www.nigelring.org
About Nigel Ring
Nigel Ring has been in full time ministry for nearly 30 years. During that time he has served Terry Virgo as his Administrator, which has included a huge range of administrative responsibilities in the Newfrontiers family of churches. He has also been heavily involved in ministry with the poor, through a variety of different ministries both in the United Kingdom and across the globe in various 'developing nations'.