We wanted to invite you to join us at our next Leaders Online which will be on Wednesday 17th March 2021 at 2pm UK time.
We’re thrilled to announce that Terry Virgo will be with us, speaking into us as churches and leaders, and then leading us into a time of prayer together. It would be great to have as many of your leadership team and other senior leaders as possible as we believe that this will be a significant time together.
There'll be some time for updates and prayer together in break out rooms as usual, giving us the fantastic opportunity to pray together with others from across our increasingly international family.
We are once again opening this up to leadership teams from all of our churches around the world so please ensure that you pass on this invitation.
ChristCentral West Africa
During our recent ChristCentral leaders prayer event (read more here) we had a wonderful update from Michael Akotia who oversees the work that we are doing together in West Africa. We've put together an update video based upon the content he shared with us which you can watch here.
Devoted 2021 - Online Only
We're still working on what the schedule for 2021 will look like but expect to create 3-4 sessions which will be available online throughout the weekend. We're also planning content for children and young people. Natalie Williams (Jubilee+) will be one of our guest speakers, she'll be speaking on the subject of 'care for the poor'. Read more here.
School of Leadership Plus
Don't miss our upcoming training session on First Corinthians. In this vitally important NT letter Paul addresses key problems in the church in Corinth and at the same time formulates a way for the church to function well in a sexually liberal society filled with religious idolatry. Read more & book here.
Please consider partnering with Jubilee+ to help more churches fulfil their Isaiah 61 mission, and see more people being raised up into oaks of righteousness. There are options for personal support and also the opportunity to become a partner church. Find more here.
About Us
We are a family of churches served by an apostolic team led by Jeremy Simpkins. This team works with over 275 churches in more than 25 nations and is part of the wider Newfrontiers family. We carry the prophetic call that ‘we can do more together than apart’ and are now serving many churches & church plants in various parts of the world.
Contact Us
03000 110 121
ChristCentral is a family of churches and is part of the wider Newfrontiers family.
We are a registered charity no. 1151447 and a limited company in England (Christ Central Churches Worldwide Ltd) Reg no. 08302020
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