We're excited that we will be hosting services on both Sundays during the Christmas break. On Sunday 27 December at 10am and 7pm, we will be meeting as usual but without live chat and on Sunday 3 January at 10am and 7pm, we will be meeting as usual and live chat will be back for our morning service.
We have a special guest band leading us in worship, Phil Moore who has become better known in the UK due to the 'Come And Sing With Me' facebook lives during lockdown has recorded a number of tracks for churches to use over Christmas. Phil is a director of ministry at Cornerstone Church in Nottingham and heads up their youth and music teams. We're very greatful that we have been able to use these excellent recordings for both of our services over the Christmas holidays.
We also have Terry Virgo speaking to us from the book of Jonah. Terry is the founder of Newfrontiers the wider family of churches which ChristCentral is part of. Terry's excellent message will be in two parts and is originally from Devoted 2015, whilst some of you may have heard it, we really do feel it bears repeating and that he has a significant message for us at this time. We pray that it is a real blessing to you!
Both services also include some content specifically for our younger listeners so don't miss out!