Jubilee News
News Update - May 2020

For Such A Time As This

Jubilee Church Derby Online

Every Sunday 10am & 7pm (BST / UTC+1

Dear friends, 

So much has changed over the last couple of months, we wanted to keep you up to date with what is going on in the life of Jubilee Church Derby.  

We now have two Sunday celebrations, one at 10am and one at 7pm. These take place every Sunday online and include live chat which starts half an hour before each service and continues for about 30mins after the preach.  

To join us on Sundays visit: 

For full details please visit: 

Our Faceboook Group is a great way to keep connected with what's going on in our community you can join it by clicking here


During our Sunday meetings we aim to have features which will be appropriate for a variety of ages. We're also providing weekly colouring sheets and sermon note sheets to help you and your children engage with what is happening. There is also separate content aimed specifically at younger children available at other times on Sundays and repeated mid-week. Our children's team are also keeping in contact with each child sending out activities in the post. Click here for more details.

Young People
Our youth team are busy with Challenge Tuesdays, Fun Fridays and boys & girls youth LifeGroups on Sunday evenings. For more details about what is available for our young people email: 

Invite your friends

We'd love to encourage you to invite your friends to join us, especially if you haven't already. You can share our Facebook events or one of our 'Looking for hope' posts on FacebookInstagram or Twitter. We'll refresh these weekly. 

Andy Robinson

Guest Speaker

Andy Robinson

Andy Robinson from Lifespring in Horsham will be our guest speaker on Sunday 17 May 2020. Andy is a great friend of Jubilee and has served us many times at our Pursuing His Presence conference. We're really looking forward to hearing from him as he shares God's word with us. 

Jeremy Simpkins

Guest Speaker

Jeremy Simpkins

Sunday 31st May 2020

On Sunday 31 May 2020 Jeremy Simpkins will be joining us online as our guest speaker. Jeremy leads the ChristCentral team which serve churches in over 25 nations. Jeremy & Ann also host Devoted. We're really looking forward to having Jeremy speak to us later this month!

Leadership Day

For Such A Time As This - No. 2

15 May 2020 - 6PM (in your time zone) - Register Now! (free)

This Friday, 15th May, I would like to invite you to join with churches from across ChristCentral and other Newfrontiers including: Relational MissionCommissionConfluenceEdfri International and also the Lausanne European Leaders Movement to pray all together for an hour at 6pm. The prayer event will work by you watching a video in your home and praying, either on your own or as a household or family.

We will be asking God for breakthrough on the Coronavirus global pandemic and an end to the suffering it is causing. 

All the information you need to register and take part can be found at: (booking required, free event)

I hope you have a great week and I look forward to seeing you at Jubilee Online this Sunday.  

With much love,

Graham Pyman

Email Design Workshop

PO Box 7736, Derby, DE1 0RY

01332 322655

Jubilee Church is a ChristCentral Church, part of Newfrontiers,
a member of the Evangelical Alliance and a registered charity (no. 1162660).

© 2020 Jubilee Church Derby. All rights reserved.