Transform Asia
Transform Asia - October Update

I am very excited to report to you what was happening in the month of August and September of this year. Jesus graciously blessed us with so many opportunities and adequate resources to conduct a small Youth Camp of 84 young students from high school and a few from college. This was the first time that our ministry went by faith, to host a youth camp in the most remote location, our Feeding center in Kambour village. We thank God for Larry and his son Micah Koornneef of Denver, Colorado for being a part of this very important mission. Eleven young men and women gave their lives to Jesus at this event. To God be the glory! Although the facility, and the accommodations were not the best, but both the students and our staff were having a blast in Jesus name. We love spending time together studying God’s word, and also we love playing different games together in the nearby open fields.

In early August 2019, immediately after my arrival in Cambodia, the Lord impressed upon my heart to preach the salvation message to our dormitory students in Battambang. There were 8 students who received Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. Glory to God, our Heavenly Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ!

We are also blessed to have conducted the medical mobile clinics with a professional team from Maranatha Bible Church of Akron, OH USA. We did four mobile clinics in Prey Veng, Kampong Sdei Island, Kampong Cham; Kdol, Kampong Chhnang and last but not least, at the Kampong Chhnang Prison. We saw an average 200 patients per day. The gospel has been preached and lives have been transformed through these vital missions. To God be the glory! Thank you Maranatha Bible Church for being a blessing to the people and nation of Cambodia in Jesus Name.

Thereafter, we conducted a second three days Pastor conference led by Equip Ministries International of Akron, Ohio in our brand new conference room at Battambang Christian Center/College/high school dormitory. There were 40 of TransformAsia leaders in attendance of this most needed seminar which was the study of the book of Ephesians. We thank Pastor Craig Peters, Pastor Matthew Young, and Pastor Tony Short for teaching our leaders with this very important letter from the Apostle Paul to the Church in Ephesus.

Thank you again for your continued partnership with TransformAsia along with Randa and I. We truly appreciate you and thank God for bringing you into a life and this mission. May God continue to richly bless you as you journey your life with Him.

Testimony from the Medical Mission Team

Matt 10:29-31 Seeing God continually keeping this team safe and effective for the cause of Christ.


 One of the days we went to a village on an island. Helping the people there with medical needs and speaking of Christ and his work at the cross. Then a day later our team leader Nathan got a picture from the pastors house where we had worked the day before. The picture showed ankle high water right where the bathroom area was. Boy what a mess we escaped! God took care of us. Also, after serving on the island and taking the ferry back, unbeknownst to us at the time, the couple who were working the ferry were so fearful that they would run out of gas, but we had not!


The team that Setan had put together of interpreters and drivers were amazing. So devoted to God's work. I got to know some of them and was blessed seeing them tirelessly serve for Christ.


 Our visit to the jail was amazing. God truly spoke to my heart there. While working in the pavilion with the inmates I noticed outside a heaping pile of what looked like saw dust or small chippings of wood. Then I saw inmates shoveling some into what looked like a king size pillow case. After they had left several dozen sparrows were eating from the heaping pile. Then the song came to me, "His eyes are on the sparrow and I know he cares for me"


So touched was I by God's love for me and all people. I will never forget the warmth in my soul at that moment and how he uses people for his plan of salvation. We didn't get to stay but only a few hours of our original plan and my heart was heavy that we couldn't share Christ with more people or help with basic medical needs. But I do know that believers that we did see were strengthened and others "I think a couple dozen" accepted Christ as Lord and savior. 

The heaping pile come to find out was dry rice. I couldn't help but think that God feeds his children and cares for us so deeply. All of us "sparrows" he sees, loves and cares.


 So grateful for this journey!