We received the following testimony.
"If you remember you gave me some of your art and prophesied over me at our national conference.
I shared your prophesy the Sunday after the conference, and at the end of the service one of our members who is covered in tattoos, stood up and showed us the exact copy of your drawing even down to the quill pen. He went to a tattoo parlour years ago for another tatoo, and the tattooist who was a Christian asked if she could do this particular tattoo. She didn't know what it meant or why she had to do it on him.
I was bowled over at this. God is truly amazing and has everything mapped out. How can we ever doubt that he has a plan for us”.
This is so encouraging to hear!
We do indeed have an amazing God, who loves us so much.
John and Val
NB. the picture above is not art shared, it's another peice created early on in our prophetic art journey!