Jo McCulloch
Our Standing In Christ

Our Standing In Christ - by Graham Cooke
Our state’ is often how we see ourselves outside of Christ, we tend to see ourselves as weak, powerless or incapable or in the case of the 10 spies “as grasshoppers”. The enemy gets you convinced by situations and circumstances that you can’t win this battle and you can’t fight this thing cause he’s bigger than you, stronger than you and you your just not tough enough or strong enough and really you are just like a grasshopper!

Then we take on that whole persona and we were, “we saw the giants and we felt like grasshoppers in our own sight”. What the 10 spies saw turned their thinking into a negative place that was so destructive that they couldn’t actually inherit the promises of God. There is a battle going on here and we need the language of God.

So, we see ourselves in our ‘state’, we don’t see ourselves in ‘our standing’. Our standing is who we really are in Christ, what Christ has achieved for us by His death and resurrection. Jesus said he who has seen me has seen the father. Your standing is your confession of all that God wants to be for you and all that God wants to do for you because of what Jesus has done.

So, this is what the Bible says is our standing:

  • You’re a new creation
  • You are a people for his possession
  • You are a royal priesthood
  • You’re alive to God
  • All grace abounds towards you
  • All sufficiency is in you through Him
  • You’re anointed
  • You’re the apple of God’s eye
  • As Jesus is, so are we in this earth
  • You are baptised into one spirit
  • You are baptised into Christ and His death
  • You are being perfected
  • You are the beloved
  • You are blameless
  • You are blessed
  • You are blessed with all spiritual blessings
  • You’ve got bold access to the throne of God
  • You are as bold as a lion because you are born again
  • You are part of the bride (the church)
  • You’re buried with Christ in His death
  • You can do all things in Christ
  • You are chosen
  • You’re a chosen generation
  • Christ indwells you with all his fullness
  • You are a co-heir with Christ
  • You are created for good works
  • You are curse free
  • You are dead to sin
  • You are declared holy
  • You’re a disciple
  • You are elect
  • You are enriched
  • Everything works in your favour
  • You are enriched in all knowledge
  • You’re faithful
  • You’re a fellow citizen
  • You are free
  • You are free from sin
  • He’s freely given you all things
  • You are a friend of Christ
  • You are fruitful
  • You are gifted
  • You are given all things
  • You’re the habitation of God
  • You have the mind of Christ
  • Christ is at work in you
  • Christ is for you, not against you
  • You are healed
  • You are hidden in Christ
  • You are highly favoured
  • You are His body
  • You are His fulness
  • You are His possession
  • You are His workmanship
  • You are a holy nation
  • You are a holy priesthood
  • You are increasing in the knowledge of God
  • You are inseparable from the love of God
  • You are a jewel in his eye
  • You are a joint heir in Jesus
  • You are justified
  • The kingdom of God is within you
  • You are a king
  • You’re a priest
  • You are a ruler
  • You are known by Him
  • You’re lacking in nothing
  • You’re the light of the world
  • You are living by faith
  • You live by God’s word
  • You’re a living stone
  • You’re made in his image
  • You’re made rich in everything
  • You’re more than a conqueror
  • You’re a new creation
  • You’re a sound mind
  • You’re ordained
  • You’re a different people
  • You’re the pillars of God
  • You are prepared for good works
  • You are protected, purified and raised with Christ in resurrection life
  • You are redeemed
  • You are the righteousness of God in Christ
  • You’re a royal priesthood
  • You’re a saint
  • You are the salt of the earth
  • You are sanctified
  • You are saved
  • You are sealed
  • You are seated with Him in heavenly places
  • You are a servant of God
  • You share His authority
  • You are the sheep of his pasture
  • You are a shining star
  • You are a son/daughter of God
  • You are a son/daughter of light
  • You are a steward of the mysteries
  • You are strengthened by Him
  • You are the elect of God
  • You are the friends of God
  • The fulness of life and Godliness all belong to you
  • You are the righteousness of God
  • You are the temple of God
  • You are the temple of the Holy Spirit
  • You are transformed
  • You are a vessel of glory
  • You are a vessel of honour
  • You walk by faith
  • You walk in newness of life
  • You are a warrior
  • You are the wise
  • You are witnesses
  • You are absolutely worthy of the Lord
Image credit: Southland Christian Church, Nicholasville, Kentucky. Website: